Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Press Review: Mass Rapes Shock in Sweden & Germany

Swedish Police & Media Covered Up Migrant Sex Attacks: Mainstream Swedish media and the police covered up reports of mass sexual attacks like those in Cologne at in Stockholm in August 2014. Media rejected the reports, calling them "SD fabrications" (after the Sweden Democrats, a nationalist party). The concert had been headlined by a feminist. Source: ZeroHedge/Nyheter Idag

German Former Chief Justice Demands "U-Turn" on Merkel's Migration Policy: Hans-Jürgen Papier, the former President of the German Constitutional Court, has attacked Chancellor Angela Merkel's migration policy in a front page interview with Handelsblatt. "Never before in the rule of the Federal Republic has the gap between law and reality been as wide as it is currently." He called on Merkel to “U-turn” and to “temporarily suspend the Schengen-rules.” He added that the Cologne sex attacks were “a manifestation of a partial betrayal of the state guarantee of freedom and security towards its citizens.”

His comments were echoed by another former judge of the German Constitutional Court, Udo di Fabio, who writes in a legal report commissioned by Merkel’s CSU Bavarian sister party and seen by Bild that, “The Federal Government is obliged to reinstate effective controls at the federal borders if the common European border-control and immigration system is temporarily or permanently impaired.” Separately, German media reports that, since the start of 2016, Germany has been sending back 200 migrants a day to Austria. Meanwhile, Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann has told Austrian daily Krone that economic migrants will be denied entry at Austrian borders. Source: Open Europe

French Jew Nominates Cologne Mayor for "Submission Prize": Alain Finkielkraut, a prominent Jewish "neoreactionary" in France," has suggested awarding a "submission prize" to the mayor of Cologne for her handling of New Year's night of rape. Finkielkraut was speaking with Élisabeth Lévy on Jewish Community Radio (RCJ). Submission was the title on Michel Houellebecq's novel on the Islamization of France. Source: Fdesouche

Orbán Vows to Protect Poland from EU Sanctions: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has said he will veto any proposed European Union sanctions against Poland. German and EU leaders allege that Poland is becoming "undemocratic" under its new conservative government, which has moved to eliminate leftist bias in public media. "The European Union should not think about applying any sort of sanctions against Poland because that would require full unanimity and Hungary will never support any sort of sanctions against Poland," Orbán said. Source: Open Europe

1 comment:

  1. Merci de lire le message en bas de la page http://www.theorie-du-tout.fr/2010/07/archives-la-cia-finance-la-construction.html ( celui du 17 février 2016 à 15:58 )
